Extremely powerful UV curing lights

To increase productivity and reduce pre-paint wait times and energy costs in the Automotive industry, the two new UV-EXTREME work lights are designed to perform fast and high-quality curing in any body and paint repair job. The UV-EXTREME work lights are very effective for curing large areas, equivalent to the size of a car door. They will be more than 3 and 6 times as powerful, respectively, as the present UV lights.
The energy crisis has left its marks on the industry because curing processes with LED UV curing systems have become tremendously expensive. Until now, no cheaper alternatives on the market for curing bigger areas have been available. Therefore, SCANGRIP is proud to be the first one on the market with a new solution for the expensive curing systems.
According to our market investigations, the UV-EXTREME work lights are filling a gap in the market between battery-powered/handheld units and the large, cumbersome, and expensive models. The UV-EXTREME work lights are exceptionally easy to use compared to other curing systems, as you can simply place the lights on a WHEEL STAND to move it around without any effort.
The UV-EXTREME work lights are a Game Changer! As a result of this, SCANGRIP received a Global Media Award for our UV-EXTREME PLUS at the SEMA Show 2022. We are very proud to have received this award showing once again, that SCANGRIP is a first mover within innovative technology in the world of work lights.
Read more about UV-EXTREME and UV-EXTREME PLUS.