Complete upgraded EX PROOF range

In March 2021, we announced the upgrade of the two NOVA-EX work lights, and today, we can present a new upgraded version of the UNI-EX handlamp, providing increased light output up to 350 lumen and up to 15 hours operation time. The upgraded UNI-EX has a new item number (03.5617) and will replace the previous version (03.5600).
Moreover, the range includes the lightweight headlamp EX-VIEW which lights up your entire field of view, and the ultra-slim MIDI-EX handlamp.
By taking advantage of the latest LED technologies, the entire EX PROOF range now appears even more powerful and competitive.
The explosion proof work lights are niche products designed for hazardous working areas. Technically, it is extremely demanding to produce EX PROOF products and requirements for certification are very strict. Hazardous places are classified in terms of zones based on the frequency and duration of the occurrence of an explosive atmosphere.
The EX PROOF work lights are approved and certified according to the latest European ATEX directive and according to the international IECEx regulations.